The Church Not New
No — farther back than saintly Paul,
Our blood-bought charter goes;
By Christ's omnific sovereign call,
The Church's fabric rose.
Before the city of the hills,
Advanced her lordly claim;
Or men of guile with stubborn wills,
Gave Heresy a name:
With buttress firm upon the Rock,
In towering pride alone,
She braved of earth and hell the shock,
With Christ her corner-stone.
" A Creature made by mortal hand! "
No — H E who framed the skies,
And counts each grain of Ocean's sand,
And gives the flower its dyes —
He placed within his blood-bought fold,
The sacred Orders three;
And from that hour we firmly hold,
Our settled Ministry.
What — sprang the Church we doubly prize,
From royal Henry's nod?
Take back the word — the Christian cries,
She owes her birth to God.
Protesting from her natal hour,
When Error reared its crest;
While earth her claim confessed;
A Witness for the Truth she stood,
Unheeding shame or loss;
Her potent seal — E MMANUEL'S blood,
Her battle-cry — T HE Cross.
A ND STAND S HE WILL , till He shall come,
Who bade her portals rise,
To give His every child a home,
A Kingdom in the skies.
Our blood-bought charter goes;
By Christ's omnific sovereign call,
The Church's fabric rose.
Before the city of the hills,
Advanced her lordly claim;
Or men of guile with stubborn wills,
Gave Heresy a name:
With buttress firm upon the Rock,
In towering pride alone,
She braved of earth and hell the shock,
With Christ her corner-stone.
" A Creature made by mortal hand! "
No — H E who framed the skies,
And counts each grain of Ocean's sand,
And gives the flower its dyes —
He placed within his blood-bought fold,
The sacred Orders three;
And from that hour we firmly hold,
Our settled Ministry.
What — sprang the Church we doubly prize,
From royal Henry's nod?
Take back the word — the Christian cries,
She owes her birth to God.
Protesting from her natal hour,
When Error reared its crest;
While earth her claim confessed;
A Witness for the Truth she stood,
Unheeding shame or loss;
Her potent seal — E MMANUEL'S blood,
Her battle-cry — T HE Cross.
A ND STAND S HE WILL , till He shall come,
Who bade her portals rise,
To give His every child a home,
A Kingdom in the skies.
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