Of the Commoditees of Braban and Selande and Henaulde

Of the commoditees of Braban and Selande and Henaulde, and marchaundyses caryed by
londe to the martes. The viij. chapitle.

Yit marchaundy of Braban and Selande,
The madre and woode that dyers take on hande
To dyne wyth, garleke and onyons,
And salt fysshe als for husbond and comons;
But they of Holonde at Caleyse byene oure felles.
And oure wolles, that Englyshe men hem selles.
And the chefare that Englysshe men do byene
In the martis, that noman may denyene,
Is not made in Braban that cuntre,
It commeth frome oute of Henaulde, not be the see,
But alle by londe by carris, and frome Fraunce,
Burgoyne, Coleyne, Camerete, in substaunce.
Therfore at martis yf there be a restreynte,
Men seyne pleynly, that liste no fables peynte,
Yf Englysshe men be wythdrawene awey,
Is grete rebuke and losse to here affraye,
As though wee sent into the londe of Fraunce
Tenne thousande peple, men of gode puissaunce,
To werre unto her hynderynge multiphary;
So bene oure Englysshe marchauntes necessary.
Yf it be thus assay, and we schall weten
Of men experte, by whome I have this wrytene.
Ffor seyde is that this carted marchaundye
Drawethe in valew as moche verralye
As alle the gode that commethe in shippes thedyre,
Whyche Englisshe men bye moste and bring it hedire.
Ffor here martis bene feble, shame to saye,
But Englisshe men thedire dresse here waye.
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