The Common People

The many-headed Hydra, or the People,
Now build the church, then pull down bells and steeple:
Today for learned bishops and a king
They shout with one consent — tomorrow sing
A different note. One while the people cry
To Christ Hosanna; then him crucify.
And thus the wavering multitude will be
Constant in nothing but inconstancy:
When these together swarm, the kingdom fears;
They are as fierce as tigers, rude as bears.

The many-headed Hydra, or the People,
Now build the church, then pull down bells and steeple:
Today for learned bishops and a king
They shout with one consent — tomorrow sing
A different note. One while the people cry
To Christ Hosanna; then him crucify.
And thus the wavering multitude will be
Constant in nothing but inconstancy:
When these together swarm, the kingdom fears;
They are as fierce as tigers, rude as bears.
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