Constantia: or, The Man of Law's Tale, Modernized from Chaucer - Part 31
He at his left Britannia's Monarch placed,
And his right hand the unknown C ONSTANTIA graced;
When with a starting tear the Reverend Man,
To A LLA turn'd, in placid speech began:
" Young tho' thou art, with earliest vigour strung,
" And the fond theme of Fame's applauding tongue,
" 'Tis said thou hast the stings of fortune felt;
" And such can learn from others woes to melt.
" I had a Daughter — once my only care! —
" As virtuous as thy Consort, and as fair;
" But her (sad cause of folly to repent)
" To Syria with a numerous train I sent;
" And there the toil, the treacherous toil was spread,
" And there C ONSTANTIA , there, my child, you bled!
" Around the Maid her brave attendants fell,
" Nor one was left the fatal tale to tell:
" Hence age through grief has doubly known decay,
" And care untimely turn'd my locks to grey.
" This day selected from the circling year,
" To her I consecrate the annual tear;
" And these the chiefs, who, in her quarrel crown'd,
" Have late in vengeance bathed the hostile ground,
" But vain is vengeance where all hope is fled;
" Nor hosts of victims can revive the dead!
" My child! thou'st robb'd my life of all delight —
" But death shall soon our happier souls unite! "
Nor yet he ended, — when, with troubled mein,
Quick at his knees low bow'd Britannia's Queen:
" Not so, not so, my Father! " loud she cried —
" See here thy Child, thy daughter at thy side!
" Why look you thus with wild and piercing eye?
" Your Daughter here, your Daughter you descry!
" C ONSTANTIA , who through many a death survives,
" And yet to see her King and Sire, arrives. "
" Yes, yes, you are my child, — these accents tell! " —
He could no more, but on her neck he fell.
Down her soft cheek his mingling tears o'erflow;
Joy, joy too great, assumed the form of woe!
The roof, surprize and echoing transport tore;
And eyes then wept, that never wept before.
Wing'd as an arrow from some vigorous arm,
Through Rome's wide city flew the glad alarm —
" C ONSTANTIA 's here, — she lives! — she lives! " — they cried;
" C ONSTANTIA , now the British Hero's bride! "
Around the palace pour'd in wild delight,
On thousands gathering thousands straight unite:
With ceaseless clamours and extended hands,
C ONSTANTIA 's presence every voice demands;
C ONSTANTIA , A LLA , and their Lovely Boy
They claim, the blooming pledge of future joy!
Forth straight they come conspicuous to the view,
And greet with graceful mien the applauding crew:
In shouts to Heaven their exultations fly,
And universal joy torments the sky.
And his right hand the unknown C ONSTANTIA graced;
When with a starting tear the Reverend Man,
To A LLA turn'd, in placid speech began:
" Young tho' thou art, with earliest vigour strung,
" And the fond theme of Fame's applauding tongue,
" 'Tis said thou hast the stings of fortune felt;
" And such can learn from others woes to melt.
" I had a Daughter — once my only care! —
" As virtuous as thy Consort, and as fair;
" But her (sad cause of folly to repent)
" To Syria with a numerous train I sent;
" And there the toil, the treacherous toil was spread,
" And there C ONSTANTIA , there, my child, you bled!
" Around the Maid her brave attendants fell,
" Nor one was left the fatal tale to tell:
" Hence age through grief has doubly known decay,
" And care untimely turn'd my locks to grey.
" This day selected from the circling year,
" To her I consecrate the annual tear;
" And these the chiefs, who, in her quarrel crown'd,
" Have late in vengeance bathed the hostile ground,
" But vain is vengeance where all hope is fled;
" Nor hosts of victims can revive the dead!
" My child! thou'st robb'd my life of all delight —
" But death shall soon our happier souls unite! "
Nor yet he ended, — when, with troubled mein,
Quick at his knees low bow'd Britannia's Queen:
" Not so, not so, my Father! " loud she cried —
" See here thy Child, thy daughter at thy side!
" Why look you thus with wild and piercing eye?
" Your Daughter here, your Daughter you descry!
" C ONSTANTIA , who through many a death survives,
" And yet to see her King and Sire, arrives. "
" Yes, yes, you are my child, — these accents tell! " —
He could no more, but on her neck he fell.
Down her soft cheek his mingling tears o'erflow;
Joy, joy too great, assumed the form of woe!
The roof, surprize and echoing transport tore;
And eyes then wept, that never wept before.
Wing'd as an arrow from some vigorous arm,
Through Rome's wide city flew the glad alarm —
" C ONSTANTIA 's here, — she lives! — she lives! " — they cried;
" C ONSTANTIA , now the British Hero's bride! "
Around the palace pour'd in wild delight,
On thousands gathering thousands straight unite:
With ceaseless clamours and extended hands,
C ONSTANTIA 's presence every voice demands;
C ONSTANTIA , A LLA , and their Lovely Boy
They claim, the blooming pledge of future joy!
Forth straight they come conspicuous to the view,
And greet with graceful mien the applauding crew:
In shouts to Heaven their exultations fly,
And universal joy torments the sky.
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