Critical Fragments, of Some of the English Poets

M ILTON , in pond'rous verse, moves greatly on,
Weilding his massy theme; with wond'rous strength
He labours forward.
S HAKESPEAR gently glides,
And, like a polish'd mirror, as he passes
Reflects all nature.
Young , in thought profound,
Muses, contemplates, sees, and feels the woes
That clog the soul; yet with aspiring wing
Behold him 'rise majestically slow,
And like an eagle soar, and soar aloft:

But S WIFT delights as much to rout
I'th' dirt, and then to throw't about.

Pope sings a soft and sweet harmonious lay,
So mellow flutes in pleasant concert play.

M ATT . P RIOR , like an easy horse,
Keeps ambling on, ne'er out of course:

But trotting B UTLER beats him hollow,
He leads a way that none can follow;
He dashes on through thick and thin,
Nor for the criticks cares a pin;
From censure he's receiv'd acquittal,
And grammar, metre, rhyme submit all.
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