
I wake this morn, and all my life
Is freshly mine to live;
The future with fair promise rife,
And crowns of joy to give.

New words to speak, new thoughts to hear,
New love to give and take, —
Perchance new burdens I may bear
For love's own sweetest sake.

New hopes to open in the sun,
New efforts worth the will,
Or tasks, with yesterday begun,
More bravely to fulfil.

Fresh seeds for all the time to be
Are in my hand to sow,
Whereby, for others and for me,
Undreamed-of fruit may grow.

And if, when eventide shall fall
In shade across my way,
It seems that naught my thoughts recall
But life of every day, —

Yet if each step in shine or shower
Be where thy footstep trod,
Then blest be every happy hour
That leads me nearer God!
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