The Day's Shroud
From sunrise to the set of sun
The Winds went to and fro,
Singing the while they deftly spun
A garment white like snow.
And in the dusk, unto the west
They bore the robe of cloud,
And for the grave the dead Day dressed
Within this snowy shroud.
Then, slowly vanishing from sight,
I heard them softly sing,
And saw above the grave at night
The stars all blossoming.
The Winds went to and fro,
Singing the while they deftly spun
A garment white like snow.
And in the dusk, unto the west
They bore the robe of cloud,
And for the grave the dead Day dressed
Within this snowy shroud.
Then, slowly vanishing from sight,
I heard them softly sing,
And saw above the grave at night
The stars all blossoming.
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