On the Death of Frederick Yearsley

Obdurate angel! spare my Fred'rick's heart;
Ah, yet forbear! Behold the infant smile!
His innocence will dull thy barbed dart,
And ev'ry horror of its sting beguile.

Oh clasp him not within thine icy arms!
But give him to my tender warm embrace;
Let me but breathe upon his op'ning charms,
And call the flying beauties to his face.

Down! down! he sinks on Death's ungentle breast,
Nor lists attentive to the voice of Fame;
While Glory weeping, from his infant crest,
Bears back to Bristol his too mighty name.

Distinguish'd Babe, farewel! a few short years,
And I will meet thee on a happier shore;
Thy angel smile shall there repay my tears,
Then shall this anguish of the soul be o'er.
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