Decad 7, Sonnet 2 -

Sonnet. II.

Fayre Grace of Graces, Muse of Muses all,
thou Paradise, thou onely heauen I know,
what influence hath bred my hateful woe,
that I from thee and them am forst to fall?
Thou falne from mee, from thee I neuer shall,
although my fortunes thou hast brought so loe,
yet shall my faith and seruice with thee goe,
for liue I doe, on heauen and thee to call.
Banisht all grace, no Graces with mee dwell,
compeld to muse, why Muses from mee flye,
excluded heauen, what can remaine but hell?
exil'd from Paradise, in hate I lye.
Cursing my starres, albe I find it true,
I lost all these when I lost loue and you.
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