Dedication of a House

Right well is the new-built house begun,
The roof's not on, nor the walls quite done;
Still from above the rain may fall,
And the sunlight wander at will o'er all.
Then pray we to the world's great king
That He from heaven's high vault will bring
His priceless treasures forth, and o'er
The open house His blessings pour.
And first may He, all-bounteous, deign
The barn to fill with ripened grain;
With honest thrift the parlour bless,
The kitchen with order and cleanliness;
The stalls make healthy for horse and kine,
And the cellar stock with generous wine;
The wickets and windows consecrate,
That evil may ne'er pass in thereat;
And grant that from out this new-made door
Gay laughing children may often pour.
Now, builder, finish the walls and roof,
God's blessing hath made it evil-proof.
Author of original: 
Ludwig Uhland
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