The Demon Exorcised.
As beasts and lands welcome the rain they craved
And ope their parch-ed lips
To drink their fill;
So felt Sir Guy the demons loose their grips,
As warders, one by one, the news distil,
To quench their hell-lit fires--'that all on board were saved'!
Like savage beasts when bite and roar grow weak,
Seek out some lonely nook
Wherein to die;
So now Sir Guy, whose thunderous voice once shook
Old Ragnor's walls and made the bravest fly,
Would feebly cry: "My child!" then, death-like, swoon away.
Full ten days passed ere conscious life again
Illum'd those once stern eyes,
With rays serene,
Now mildly placid as the azure skies,
On which one grateful turns from sun's fierce sheen;
Refreshing, too, his milder tones as summer rain.
And ope their parch-ed lips
To drink their fill;
So felt Sir Guy the demons loose their grips,
As warders, one by one, the news distil,
To quench their hell-lit fires--'that all on board were saved'!
Like savage beasts when bite and roar grow weak,
Seek out some lonely nook
Wherein to die;
So now Sir Guy, whose thunderous voice once shook
Old Ragnor's walls and made the bravest fly,
Would feebly cry: "My child!" then, death-like, swoon away.
Full ten days passed ere conscious life again
Illum'd those once stern eyes,
With rays serene,
Now mildly placid as the azure skies,
On which one grateful turns from sun's fierce sheen;
Refreshing, too, his milder tones as summer rain.
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