What hast thou done that makes thee despondent?
Why so downhearted and sad?
Life is too short to be wasted in weeping,
Why not be cheerful and glad?
Don't stand out in the darkness despairing,
When there is plenty of light;
" Every cloud has a silver lining, "
Look on the side that's bright!
Don't think because the day's dark and dreary,
And constantly falls the rain,
And because the sun is not now shining,
That it ne'er will shine again.
Why so downhearted and sad?
Life is too short to be wasted in weeping,
Why not be cheerful and glad?
Don't stand out in the darkness despairing,
When there is plenty of light;
" Every cloud has a silver lining, "
Look on the side that's bright!
Don't think because the day's dark and dreary,
And constantly falls the rain,
And because the sun is not now shining,
That it ne'er will shine again.
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