Devil's Case, The - Part 22

" Since that hour the Fight hath lasted!
Strong, beneficent, and gentle,
I, the foe of all the Churches,
Have remain'd the friend of Man.

" All the horde of Priests and Prophets,
Moonstruck, mad, have rall'd against me,
Crying to the weary nations
" Fear the Flesh, and shun the Devil! "

" In the name of God the Father
They have sicken'd Earth with slaughter;
In the name of their Messiahs
They have lied, and lied, and lied!

" O'er the vineyards I have planted
They have scatter'd seed of thistles;
In the mansions of my making
They have swarm'd with fire and sword.

" Year by year, with God against me,
I for Humankind have striven.
Winning patiently and slowly
Thro' a small minority!

" Poor are all the Church's martyrs,
By the side of mine, the Devil's!
Those have died for Filth and Falsehood,
These for Liberty and Light!

" Mine the Seers and mine the Poets,
Stoned and slain in every nation!
Even those who most denied me
Learn'd thro' me to stand erect!

" I it was who put the honey
On the tongue of Ariosto!
I who cast a light from Heaven
On Boccaccio's golden page!

" In the ear of many a monarch
I was whispering my reasons —
Taught by me, your bluff King Harry
Faced the Pope and flay'd the cowls!

" Aye, and in your throned Virgin
I inspired both wit and learning —
I was hunting gladly with her,
When she whipt the wolves of Spain.

" While the Priests were busy burning,
I created Merrymakers!
Rock'd, despite the shrieking Churches,
Rabelais in his easy-chair!

" In your land of fogs and vapours,
Where the church-bells toll'd for ever,
I, the Devil, upraised the D RAMA
Still by priestcraft shun'd and curst:

" First I bribed the monks to help me,
Made them place on mimic stages
(Little 'ware what they were doing)
Plays of miracles absurd.

" God Himself and little Jesus
Were by mortals represented,
While myself and other devils
Join'd them in the pagan dance.

" Thus, without a word of warning,
Rose the Theatre , my Temple!
Sunny as the soul of Nature,
Fearless, beautiful, and free!

" " Shun it! shun the Devil's dwelling! "
Shriek'd the jealous cowls; but straightway,
Loud, the prelude of the battle,
Thunder'd Marlowe's mighty line!

" There I taught your gentle Shakespeare
What no shaven monk could teach him —
Mingled wit and wisdom, foreign
To a God who never smiles!

" Churchmen curst, and still are cursing
What transcends their sermonizing,
Hating, in the way of traders,
Rival shops with smarter wares.

" In my Temple rose the voices
Of the Seers and Music-makers, —
Shapes of beauty and of terror
Waken'd to the conjuration!

" There the glad green world was pictured,
There the lark sang " tirra-lirra, "
There the piteous human pageant
Broke to tears or rippled laughter —

" " Shun it, shun the Devil's dwelling! "
Croaked the jackdaws from the steeple —
Long as Shakespeare's lark is singing,
Still my Theatre shall stand! . . . .

" Then I mock'd their tracts and sermons
With my songs and my romances:
Light and Freedom, Mirth and Music,
Scatter'd sunshine through the air.

" Milton even, tho' intending
To exalt the Lord Almighty,
Spread my teaching Manichaean —
Who's his hero? — I, the Devil!

" Aye, and when his voice demanded
Freedom for my printing presses,
Liberty of speech for all men,
Who inspired him? I, the Devil!

" Then, to mock their monkish fables,
I invoked my Story-tellers!
Till at last, full-blown and bounteous,
Bloom'd the Modern Novelist!

" True, the Novel is elephantine,
Pachydermatous, long-winded,
Of all Art the large negation,
Yet, by Heaven! it serves a turn!

" My Cervantes and my Fielding
Struck the rock of human knowledge,
Freed the founts of Fun, still foreign
To a God who never laughs!

" How the Priests and Preachers trembled
At my quips and cranks and fancies,
Furious when I requisition'd
Rogues, like Sterne, within the fold!

" Evermore my printing presses
Labour'd, and across my kingdom,
Thick as leaves in Vallombroan,
Fell the merry carnal books!

" Then, like sunshine made incarnate,
Rose the merry Djinn of Fiction, —
How the laughter of my Dickens
Scared the ravens and the owls!

" Then, the knell of all ascetics
Sounded, as my Reade upstarted,
Flooding all the gloomy Cloister
With the fires of Hearth and Home!
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