Dies Venit

We look at the end of things for Hades to return its spoils .


N OW heralds, passing through desponding Hades,
Proclaim: “ Salvete , O my Lords and Ladies!
Here ends the penance, here unbars the prison:
Into the light ascend, for He is risen!”
The Hades into which Christ descended was an inward world, which keeps many spirits in prison besides those that are ostensibly sharing our exile. The Mystery of the Passion and of that Lamb which has been slain from the foundation of things is one of the mysteries of the unseen. We do not doubt that Christ died and rose, but the material Jerusalem and the conventional holy fields have no heritage therein. The true Golgotha and Calvary are not seen with eyes of flesh, nor yet is the rock-hewn Sepulchre or the Mountain of Ascension .
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