'Tis nature's law: that, once at rest,
The boulder should forever lie
Unmoved beneath the placid sky,
Asleep upon earth's quiet breast;
That, once in motion, worlds shall sweep
Forever on their destined way;
That, through the night and through the day,
Unswerved their pathways they should keep.
And so the mind of man would cling
Forever to its old-time faith,
Whatever word the new age saith,
Whatever light the new suns bring.
Unquiet are the waves of doubt
That toss forever round the world,
On which our restless ships are whirled
As tides flow in and tides flow out.
But, rotting on the oozy strands,
Our ships would crumble and decay,
Did not the waves about them play,
And sweep them off to other lands.
The boulder should forever lie
Unmoved beneath the placid sky,
Asleep upon earth's quiet breast;
That, once in motion, worlds shall sweep
Forever on their destined way;
That, through the night and through the day,
Unswerved their pathways they should keep.
And so the mind of man would cling
Forever to its old-time faith,
Whatever word the new age saith,
Whatever light the new suns bring.
Unquiet are the waves of doubt
That toss forever round the world,
On which our restless ships are whirled
As tides flow in and tides flow out.
But, rotting on the oozy strands,
Our ships would crumble and decay,
Did not the waves about them play,
And sweep them off to other lands.
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