A cometh first, and all because
Of certain Alphabetic Laws.
We'd have no Alphabet to-day
If we had not that vowel A ,
Because, it's just as sure as sin,
We can't have things that don't begin.

E cometh second, if you please,
Although some folks place first their Ease.
I love it well because, you see
If you have wit, it's half of ME ;
Without it I should have no feet,
And nothing in the world to Eat.

I ? Well, I'm rather fond of I
Although I work it strenuously.
'Tis somewhat personal, and it
Is quite the centre of all Wit.
And though you'll find it in distress
It's never wanting Happ-i-ness.

O is a vowel I admire —
Though what I owe is often dire!
And though 'tis Naught, it's part of gold;
'Tis in each Joy that we behold,
And Love could hardly be the same
If we'd no O to spell its name.

The last is U. Well, I should call
This vowel quite the best of all.
Let me have U and I'll give o'er
The blessings of the other four.
The reason? Ah, dear Heart, 'tis true!
It's just because, my Love, it's YOU !
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