He that hes no will to wirk;
And luifs not God, nor haly kirk;
And hes no lands, [furth] for to spend;
Nor yit hes freynds, his needs to mend;
And hes na rent, quhairon to leif;
And will not beg, thoch men wald geif;
And with that is trym, fat, and fair —
How sall he byde the justice-ayr?
And luifs not God, nor haly kirk;
And hes no lands, [furth] for to spend;
Nor yit hes freynds, his needs to mend;
And hes na rent, quhairon to leif;
And will not beg, thoch men wald geif;
And with that is trym, fat, and fair —
How sall he byde the justice-ayr?
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