Epitaph on the late Mr. Sheels, Written at the Request of His Father
O young, yet apt and able in the word,
And at the morning-call to C HRIST preferr'd!
Our hope was longer time, and more commands,
So great the harvest, and so scarce the hands! —
See how the likeliest are not lent to last,
And love officious calculates too fast
— If God had left thy lot for human praise,
A father's prayer had multiplied thy days.
But since to grieve is now the task injoin'd,
We've learnt full well to weep, and be resign'd;
Nay more, adore and bless the great decree,
And, in the spirit, still commune with Thee.
Let God's good will, at our expence be done,
As C HRIST demands a brother and a son
And at the morning-call to C HRIST preferr'd!
Our hope was longer time, and more commands,
So great the harvest, and so scarce the hands! —
See how the likeliest are not lent to last,
And love officious calculates too fast
— If God had left thy lot for human praise,
A father's prayer had multiplied thy days.
But since to grieve is now the task injoin'd,
We've learnt full well to weep, and be resign'd;
Nay more, adore and bless the great decree,
And, in the spirit, still commune with Thee.
Let God's good will, at our expence be done,
As C HRIST demands a brother and a son
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