Evening Hymn, An
MY soul, thy grateful homage pay,
For all the blessings thou hast known;
For those that mark'd thy recent day,
And each unnumber'd moment flown.
Now Night, in solemn pomp array'd,
O'er half the globe extends her reign;
Now shines the floor of heav'n, inlaid
With radiant orbs, a wond'rous train!
Let them be witness of my praise
To him who form'd the earth and sky;
Who out of chaos deign'd to raise,
And bade th' obedient planets fly.
Grant me, O! Lord, each day to live,
Still conscious of that coming hour,
When Death demands, and I shall give
An awful tribute to his pow'r.
O! God, with confidence inspir'd,
I now return to needful rest;
With faith and hope my bosom fir'd,
I feel the comforts of the bless'd.
But when my erring nature fails,
O! let my pow'rful Saviour plead;
His sacred blood alone avails,
His sacred blood, for me decreed.
O! may my soul in thee repose,
To thee her hopes, her fears resign;
And grant my eyes in peace may close,
Confiding in thy pow'r divine.
For all the blessings thou hast known;
For those that mark'd thy recent day,
And each unnumber'd moment flown.
Now Night, in solemn pomp array'd,
O'er half the globe extends her reign;
Now shines the floor of heav'n, inlaid
With radiant orbs, a wond'rous train!
Let them be witness of my praise
To him who form'd the earth and sky;
Who out of chaos deign'd to raise,
And bade th' obedient planets fly.
Grant me, O! Lord, each day to live,
Still conscious of that coming hour,
When Death demands, and I shall give
An awful tribute to his pow'r.
O! God, with confidence inspir'd,
I now return to needful rest;
With faith and hope my bosom fir'd,
I feel the comforts of the bless'd.
But when my erring nature fails,
O! let my pow'rful Saviour plead;
His sacred blood alone avails,
His sacred blood, for me decreed.
O! may my soul in thee repose,
To thee her hopes, her fears resign;
And grant my eyes in peace may close,
Confiding in thy pow'r divine.
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