The Expostulation
Have I lov'd my Fair so long,
Six Olympiads at least,
And to Youth and Beauties wrong,
On Vertues single Interest,
To be at last with scorn oppress'd?
Have I lov'd that space so true,
Without looking once a awry,
Lest I might prove false to you,
To whom I vow'd Fidelity,
To be repay'd with Cruelty?
Were you not, oh sweet! confess,
Willing to be so belov'd?
Favour gave my Flame encrease,
By which it still aspiring mov'd,
And had gone out, if disapprov'd.
Whence then can this change proceed?
Say; or whither does it tend?
That false heart will one day bleed,
When it has brought so true a Friend
To cruel and untimely end.
Have I lov'd my Fair so long,
Six Olympiads at least,
And to Youth and Beauties wrong,
On Vertues single Interest,
To be at last with scorn oppress'd?
Have I lov'd that space so true,
Without looking once a awry,
Lest I might prove false to you,
To whom I vow'd Fidelity,
To be repay'd with Cruelty?
Were you not, oh sweet! confess,
Willing to be so belov'd?
Favour gave my Flame encrease,
By which it still aspiring mov'd,
And had gone out, if disapprov'd.
Whence then can this change proceed?
Say; or whither does it tend?
That false heart will one day bleed,
When it has brought so true a Friend
To cruel and untimely end.
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