Hast thou but faith thou shalt the mountain bid
Remove and it shall walk nor longer stand
Thy weakness to resist and nobly chid
Its giant heights shall nod at thy command
Be strong the word but tries thine infant might
And soon thy stature shall resist my rod
Be sober and in wisdom much delight
And thou shalt then be called a child of God
Hasten the way before thee yet extends
Far on where yet thou little dreamst to go
Be wise and seek in me who knows its ends
And you no more shall wander to and fro
But onward run till you the race have won
And from my precepts here my Father's will have done.
Remove and it shall walk nor longer stand
Thy weakness to resist and nobly chid
Its giant heights shall nod at thy command
Be strong the word but tries thine infant might
And soon thy stature shall resist my rod
Be sober and in wisdom much delight
And thou shalt then be called a child of God
Hasten the way before thee yet extends
Far on where yet thou little dreamst to go
Be wise and seek in me who knows its ends
And you no more shall wander to and fro
But onward run till you the race have won
And from my precepts here my Father's will have done.
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