Faith and Hope in Divine Goodness, Encouraged by Past Experience

Lord while my thoughts with wonder trace
Thy favours past through all my days;
My thankful heart adores thy grace,
I trust that goodness which I praise.

Still from the same eternal spring
Thy various, constant bounties flow;
Beneath the shelter of thy wing
I view serene the shades of woe.

Ev'n death's tremendous vale appears
No more in gloomy terrors drest;
Thy smile, my God, forbids my fears
While on thy gracious hand I rest.

Through the dark scenes of mortal care,
To humble faith's enraptur'd eye
The distant prospect opens fair,
Of radiant mansions in the sky.

Yes, Lord, in thy divine abode
My soul desires, and hopes a place,
To dwell for ever near my God,
And view unveil'd thy lovely face.

With all my powers renew'd, refin'd,
To join the blissful choir above;
In strains immortal, unconsin'd
To celebrate my Saviour's love.
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