The Falling Wreath
The Violet white I'll twine,
I'll twine the laughing lilies
And safran sweet combine
With languorous daffodillies.
The hyacinth's crimson crest
I'll twine with myrtle posies
And then 'mid all the rest
I'll twine true lovers' roses.
That so my falling wreath
For Heliodora fair
May match with perfumed breath
The fragrance of her hair.
I'll twine the laughing lilies
And safran sweet combine
With languorous daffodillies.
The hyacinth's crimson crest
I'll twine with myrtle posies
And then 'mid all the rest
I'll twine true lovers' roses.
That so my falling wreath
For Heliodora fair
May match with perfumed breath
The fragrance of her hair.
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