First 7 Only of the Byrth and Beginning of His Love, The. Sonet 1 -
Sonet 1.
Resolud to loue vnworthie to obtayne
I doe no favoure craue but humble wise
To thee my sighes in verse I sacrifice
Only some pittie and no helpe to gayne.
Heare then and as my heart shall ay remayne
A patient obiect to thy lightning eyes
A patient eare bring thow to thundring cryes
Feare not the cracke when I the blow sustayne
So as thyne eye bred my ambitiouse thought
So shall thyne eare make proude my voyce for ioy
Loe deare what wonders great by thee are wrought
When I but litle favoure doe enioy
The voyce is made the eare for to reioyce
And thyne eare giueth pleasure to the voyce.
Resolud to loue vnworthie to obtayne
I doe no favoure craue but humble wise
To thee my sighes in verse I sacrifice
Only some pittie and no helpe to gayne.
Heare then and as my heart shall ay remayne
A patient obiect to thy lightning eyes
A patient eare bring thow to thundring cryes
Feare not the cracke when I the blow sustayne
So as thyne eye bred my ambitiouse thought
So shall thyne eare make proude my voyce for ioy
Loe deare what wonders great by thee are wrought
When I but litle favoure doe enioy
The voyce is made the eare for to reioyce
And thyne eare giueth pleasure to the voyce.
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