The Forefathers' Greeting

Over the heath a warrior old,
Well-sheathed in armour good,
Drew near to an ancient chapel;
In the darksome choir he stood

The coffins of his fathers brave
Were ranged the halls along;
Afar was heard, like a voice that calls,
A strange unearthly song.

" Ye Hero-spirits! I well can hear
The greeting ye send to earth;
I come — your ranks shall I soon complete,
Ye witness my spotless worth! "

There stood in the shadow deep and cool
A coffin as yet unfilled;
This coffin he chose for his couch of rest,
For a pillow he took his shield.

Over his sword he folded close
His hands, then sank to sleep;
The ghostly voices in silence died,
In silence unbroken, deep.EnglishLudwig Uhland
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