Friday Evening Meetings

Oh, the Friday evening meetings in the vestry, long ago,
When the prayers were long and fervent and the anthems staid and slow,
Where the creed was like the pewbacks, of a pattern straight and stiff,
And the congregation took it with no doubting "but" or "if,"
Where the girls sat, fresh and blooming, with the old folks down before,
And the boys, who came in later, took the benches near the door.

Oh, the Friday evening meetings, how the ransomed sinners told
Of their weary toils and trials ere they reached the blessed fold;
How we trembled when the Deacon, with a saintly relish, spoke
Of the fiery place of torment till we seemed to smell the smoke;
And we all joined in "Old Hundred" till the rafters seemed to ring
When the preacher said, "Now, brethren: Hallelujah! Let us sing."

Oh, the Friday evening meetings, and the waiting 'round about,
'Neath the lamplight, at the portal, just to see when she came out,
And the whispered, anxious question, and the faintly murmured "Yes,"
And the soft hand on your coat-sleeve, and the perfumed, rustling dress,--
Oh, the Paradise of Heaven somehow seemed to show its worth
When you walked home with an angel through a Paradise on earth.

Oh, the Friday evening meetings, and the happy homeward stroll,
While the moonlight softly mingled with the love-light in your soul;
Then the lingering 'neath the lattice where the roses hung above,
And the "good-night" kiss at parting, and the whispered word of love,--
Ah, they lighted Life's dark highway with a sweet and sacred glow
From the Friday evening meetings in the vestry, long ago.
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