From the Friend my dole is, My delight no less

From the Friend my dole is, My delight no less;
Be my head her ransom And my spright no less!

" Better charm than beauty Is, " if any say,
This the Friend and that hath (Tell the wight), no less.

Of her face's splendour Both worlds are one ray:
This by day I tell thee And by night, no less.

Friends, behind the curtain Now this thing we say;
But it shall be blazoned Forth outright, no less.

Her intoxicated Eye my blood doth shed,
And her tangled tress-tip Black and bright, no less.

For us no reliance Is on this world's course
Nor on yon revolving Sphere of light, no less.

Be that fair remembered, Who, to shed our blood
Meaning, broke Love's compact And her plight, no less!

As the nights of union's Gladness pass away,
So the days of sev'rance Take to flight, no less.

Often her mole's image Doth mine eyeblood shed,
Privily and also In men's sight, no less.

Nothing of the Cadi Lovers reck (Bring wine!);
Nay, they hold the firman Royal light, no less

Hafiz for a lover Knows the Mohtesib
And the Vizier-Royal, Asef hight, no less.
Author of original: 
Khwaja Shams-ad-din Muhammad Hafiz
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