
Friendship! whence springs its deep mysterious Source?
Say, dearest B ROOKES ! who know'st its Pow'r so well,
What arms it with such active Force,
That nothing can resist its Course?
That nothing can its Pow'r excell?
Nature, the common Tie below,
But Body still, to Body binds,
A gross Affinity of Parts,
It cannot reconcile the Hearts:
But Friendship true Relation can bestow,
A Unison of Minds.


E URYALUS and N ISUS' noble Flame
Shall ever flourish in immortal Lays,
And Pylades and his Orestes' Name
Be sung thro' ev'ry Age with equal Praise.
The twin-born Sons of mighty J OVE ,
Ally'd by Friendship's nearer Ties,
Advanc'd their Name with Gods above,
And rais'd their Fortunes to the Skies.


'Twas this that woke A CHILLES' sleeping Rage,
When G REECE besought th' offended Chief in vain;
'Twas Friendship won him to engage,
And rous'd him to the hostile Plain.
By this heroic Passion fir'd,
Young Theseus sought Avernus' downward Shore,
When Love his bold Companion led;
Thro' the drear Realms of Night they dar'd to go,
Amid the Horrors of the Dead,
And visit gloomy Fields and suff'ring Ghosts below.


Distance may Bodies oft divide,
But Souls, by like Affections join'd,
Are ever present, and ally'd,
No Space can circumscribe the Mind;
'Tis Friendship, B ROOKES , has Pow'r to alter Fate,
And make Afflictions lose their Weight.
Tho' me the partial Sisters doom
An unpropitious Lot to bear,
Abortive Hope, and ruffling Care,
Thy Influence can dispel the Gloom:
A Soul, like thine, where gentlest Virtues rest,
Good-nature, Wit, and Friendship ever pure,
And with the sacred Muses blest,
Can charm the strong Disease , and minister a Cure.
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