To General Paoli
Oh thou! to Friendship, Truth, and Justice dear,
Whom dying Patriots ever shall revere!
Oh thou, whom Freedom call'd, with parting breath,
(And gave her sigh — her languid look — in Death,)
When gasping, sinking — mould'ring to decay,
On Corsica's wild shore she fainting lay!
Still in that eye her purest ray shall shine —
" Honour's clear light, and Virtue's spark divine.
— 'Tis not for those, by righteous Heaven designed
In deep Retirement's vale their path to find,
Whilst calm Oblivion shall their peace secure,
Who live secluded, and who die obscure;
'Tis not for those, to lift th' unconscious eye
To the black tumults of the stormy sky,
When furious lightnings mark, with ruthless pow'r,
" The gorgeous Temple, " and " the cloud-capt " Tow'r. "
Oh, Anarchy! — behold thy triumph's o'er!
Thy frowns shall wound Paoli'S peace no more.
Ev'n awful Time, which plays its fatal part,
And tears the tend'rest fibres of the heart,
Which mellows all, and casts its ray serene
O'er Love's last look and Valour's noblest scene,
Which ev'n to Resignation wins Despair —
Ev'n Time shall sooth Paoli'S gen'rous care!
Soft Friendship too shall aid — if one there be —
Oh, Paoli ! to think and feel like thee! —
And mild Benevolence, whose fervour still,
Nor Time — nor Treach'ry — nor Distress can chill,
With charms ineffable, thy soul shall cheer,
While bounteous Heaven assigns a shelter here,
Where Loyalty, with Patriot Zeal may blend,
And Virtue, suff'ring Virtue, find a Friend!
That calm respect, no titles can impart,
(The off'ring of a good and gen'rous heart)
Shall save thy laurels from Oblivion's shade,
And deck with brightest verdure — ne'er to fade.
Whom dying Patriots ever shall revere!
Oh thou, whom Freedom call'd, with parting breath,
(And gave her sigh — her languid look — in Death,)
When gasping, sinking — mould'ring to decay,
On Corsica's wild shore she fainting lay!
Still in that eye her purest ray shall shine —
" Honour's clear light, and Virtue's spark divine.
— 'Tis not for those, by righteous Heaven designed
In deep Retirement's vale their path to find,
Whilst calm Oblivion shall their peace secure,
Who live secluded, and who die obscure;
'Tis not for those, to lift th' unconscious eye
To the black tumults of the stormy sky,
When furious lightnings mark, with ruthless pow'r,
" The gorgeous Temple, " and " the cloud-capt " Tow'r. "
Oh, Anarchy! — behold thy triumph's o'er!
Thy frowns shall wound Paoli'S peace no more.
Ev'n awful Time, which plays its fatal part,
And tears the tend'rest fibres of the heart,
Which mellows all, and casts its ray serene
O'er Love's last look and Valour's noblest scene,
Which ev'n to Resignation wins Despair —
Ev'n Time shall sooth Paoli'S gen'rous care!
Soft Friendship too shall aid — if one there be —
Oh, Paoli ! to think and feel like thee! —
And mild Benevolence, whose fervour still,
Nor Time — nor Treach'ry — nor Distress can chill,
With charms ineffable, thy soul shall cheer,
While bounteous Heaven assigns a shelter here,
Where Loyalty, with Patriot Zeal may blend,
And Virtue, suff'ring Virtue, find a Friend!
That calm respect, no titles can impart,
(The off'ring of a good and gen'rous heart)
Shall save thy laurels from Oblivion's shade,
And deck with brightest verdure — ne'er to fade.
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