I WALKED with giants once upon the height
For that one look you gave me one May night.
Comrade of theirs was I as bold as strong
For that one note I dreamed into your song.
By none could I be worsted or o'erthrown,
Feeling your hands a moment in my own.
Now must I face my giants one by one —
I who but dreamed a dream and wake alone —
Love, Joy, and High Ambition and Delight.
What though I battle through the live-long night
Seeing that Love must slay me ere 'tis done?
I WALKED with giants once upon the height
For that one look you gave me one May night.
Comrade of theirs was I as bold as strong
For that one note I dreamed into your song.
By none could I be worsted or o'erthrown,
Feeling your hands a moment in my own.
Now must I face my giants one by one —
I who but dreamed a dream and wake alone —
Love, Joy, and High Ambition and Delight.
What though I battle through the live-long night
Seeing that Love must slay me ere 'tis done?
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