Gierusalemme Soggettita, La - Part 28
The brazen trumpets gave a dreadful blast,
A blast which well mote rend both earth and skies;
Fierce Saladin against our right wing past.
Him Philibert, a German knight, espies,
And boldly tow'rds the prince of Paynims hies:
But vain the high essay of lofty breast!
To shend the Sar'zan was too high emprize:
Stern Saladin with couched launce in rest,
Good Philibert to ground from sell most rudely kest.
A blast which well mote rend both earth and skies;
Fierce Saladin against our right wing past.
Him Philibert, a German knight, espies,
And boldly tow'rds the prince of Paynims hies:
But vain the high essay of lofty breast!
To shend the Sar'zan was too high emprize:
Stern Saladin with couched launce in rest,
Good Philibert to ground from sell most rudely kest.
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