By the glory and might and power Of Shah Shejáa I swear

By the glory and might and power Of Shah Shejáa I swear,
I never had strife with man For wealth and worldly ware.

A glance at thy lovers deign, In thanks that I the slave
Obedient am and thou The king obeyed allwhere.

We thirst for a draught of the cup Of thy bounty; but hardihood
We use not nor break thy head With over-importunate prayer.

The house-wine sufficeth me: No wine of the Magians bring.
The wine-fellow's come: o friend Repentance, adieu fore'er!

'Fore heaven, my patchcoat scour And launder amain with wine;
For I from this gear scent not The fragrance of good and fair.

Nay, see, to the wail of the harp How those go dancing now,
Who wont not to sanction e'en The hearing of song whilere.

From the dust of the presence-place Of Shah Shejáa's renown
May Hafiz's face and brow Of God be severed ne'er!
Author of original: 
Khwaja Shams-ad-din Muhammad Hafiz
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