God Looked Clear at me Through Her Eyes

God looked clear at me through her eyes,
And when her fresh and sweet lips spake,
Through dawn-flushed gates of Paradise
Such silvern birds did wing and shake

God's fervent music on my soul,
And with their jewelled quivering feet
Did rend apart the quiet stole
That shades from girl-fanned pulsing heat.

Upon a gold branch in my breast
They made their nest, while sweet and warm
Hung wav'ring thoughts like rose-leaves drest;
My soul the sky to keep from harm.

In the heart's woods mysterious
Where feelings lie remote and far,
They fly with touch imperious,
And loose emotion's hidden bar.

And to dark pools of brooding care,
And blinding wastes of loneliness,
They gleam a Paradisal air,
And warm with a divine caress.
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