On the Great Divisions of the Christian Church, the Catholic, the Protestant, and the Greek

Still other sheep Thou hast, O Shepherd fair,
Than that one flock to which we may belong;
For all alike Thou dost provide and care,
And call them by thy voice, and tuneful song.
Though they, estranged, may not each other know,
And deem their fold, and theirs alone, is thine;
Thou dost to all the heavenly pastures show,
And watch and guard them all with love divine.
O that thy Church again might be but one,
One Shepherd and one flock, as once of old!
That Thou the wanderers who astray have gone,
And all the lost, might gather to thy fold;
That they, with thine, might in green pastures feed,
From want, and fear, and every danger freed.
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