Happy Hour

Oh, happy hour when Masons meet!
Oh, rarest joys that Masons greet!
Each interwoven with the other,
And Brother truly joined with Brother,
In intercourse that none can daunt,
Linked by the ties of Covenant .

See, ranged about the Holy Word,
The Craftsmen praise their common L ORD !
See in each eye a love well proven!
Around each heart a faith well woven!
Feel, in each hand-grip, what a tie
In this whose scope is M ASONRY .

Blest bond! when broken, we would fain
Unite the severed links again;
Would urge the tardy hours along
To spend the wealth of light and song,
That makes the Lodge a sacred spot;
Oh, be the season ne'er forgot,
That takes us from a world of care
To happy scenes where Masons are!
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