He Done His Level Best
Was he a mining on the flat —
He done it with a zest;
Was he a leading of the choir —
He done his level best.
If he'd a reg'lar task to do,
He never took no rest;
Or if 'twas off-and-on — the same —
He done his level best.
If he was preachin' on his beat,
He'd tramp from east to west,
And north to south — in cold and heat
He done his level best.
He'd yank a sinner outen (Hades),
And land him with the blest;
Then snatch a prayer 'n waltz in again,
And do his level best.
He'd cuss and sing and howl and pray,
And dance and drink and jest,
And lie and steal — all one to him —
He done his level best.
Whate'er this man was sot to do,
He done it with a zest;
No matter what his contract was,
He done it with a zest;
Was he a leading of the choir —
He done his level best.
If he'd a reg'lar task to do,
He never took no rest;
Or if 'twas off-and-on — the same —
He done his level best.
If he was preachin' on his beat,
He'd tramp from east to west,
And north to south — in cold and heat
He done his level best.
He'd yank a sinner outen (Hades),
And land him with the blest;
Then snatch a prayer 'n waltz in again,
And do his level best.
He'd cuss and sing and howl and pray,
And dance and drink and jest,
And lie and steal — all one to him —
He done his level best.
Whate'er this man was sot to do,
He done it with a zest;
No matter what his contract was,
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