Heavenly Crowns for Thorny Wreaths - Song 2

Song II


That Eminent Apostle
And holy Martyr Paul,
That laboured more for Jesus Christ,
And suffered more than All,
When as his race was run
And life almost laid down
For Christ Henceforth, saith he, there is
Laid up for me a Crown,


Which Christ that Righteous Judge
Shall give to me above:
And unto all as well as me,
That his Appearing love.
Christ Jesus at that day
Will all Believers own:
And all their faithful Services
And patient Sufferings crown


Not only such as have
For Jesus shed their Blood;
But all that have embrac'd the Truth
And firm therein have stood.
All that have meekly born
Christ's Yoke because 'twas his
Shall be rewarded, and shall share
In Everlasting Bliss


Although some Stars outshine
The rest in Glory bright:
Yet every Star i'th' Firmament
Is full of glorious light
So every vessel then
Shall full of Glory be,
Though some are of a larger size,
Some of a less degree.


Our Lord will call to mind
The meanest services
That any man with upright heart
Hath done for one of his:
So that a Cup of Water
Tender'd unto a Saint
For love of Christ, shall not reward
Nor accpetation want.


Much less will Christ forget
Their love and labour sure
That take great pains, and for his sake
Afflictions long endure.
He that will smallest things
So graciously regard,
Will not far greater things neglect
And leave without reward


As in his suffering saints
Christ suffereth now; so he
In all his glorified saints
Will glorified be.
Their sufferings now are his,
Their Glory will be his:
Christ should his Glory lose, if saints
Should future Glory miss.


Christ's precious sufferings,
And whole Obedience,
Have purchased for us this Crown
And glorious Recompence
He dy'd that we might live,
Wore Thorns that we might reign
The end of his own sufferings
Christ, doubtless will obtain.


As surely then as He
Reproach and Shame endur'd,
And by his Sufferings hath for us
A glorious Crown procur'd;
As sure as we him follow
In patient suffering here;
So certainly this glorious Crown
We shall hereafter wear.
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