Here, O wanderer, here is the hill and the harbor

Here, O wanderer, here is the hill and the harbor,
Farer and follower, here the Hesperides.
Here wings the Halycon down through the glamorous arbor,
Here is the end of the seas.

Have you heard music at morning of far sea singing?
Have you heard singing over the water at dark?
This was the music you heard here forever reringing,
Only the thrush, O hark!

Have you seen citadels glance in the sunset, and towers?
Have you seen castles of glint and of gossamer spun?
These, only these, were the heights, these hills grown with flowers,
These were the gates of the sun.

There is no music but this, no loveliness other,—
Only the reaching of arms and the rose of a breast,
Only a girl's throat—beyond this earth ends and seas smother,
And the old moon fades in the west.

There is no land beyond and no shore and no ocean,
Nothing but night and the moon and the cold thin air,
Where change never comes but the stars' unchangeable motion,
Nor end but endlessness there.
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