To His Darrest Freind
In signe of favor stedfast still
With suir guidwill
Ye most amend
This litill bill
Unto the end
That I pretend
In Joy and smart
Your grand commend
Thois lyns I send;
Quhair as I spill
In meitir pend
It salbe kend
With constant part
For to defend
With luifing hart.
My luifing hart dois weill aggrie
With you to bie
In weill and wo
The freindschip frie
But fleing fro
Quhom I luif so
As ye derect
Even as your fo
Quhair evir I go;
It conforts me
Betwix us two.
Thair is no mo
With firm effect.
Gif I say no,
Than me reject.
Lyk as the recent rubie rois
Is maist formois
So but compair
Ye ar my chois
Thus I declair,
Sall on you spair
As ye devyis
To eise your cair
Of flouris fair,
Quhill lyf I lois
For vertew rair.
And mair and mair
Quhat in me lyis.
Both lait and air
My will applyis.
As Adamant dois yrne alluir,
So in your cuir
Without disdaine,
Ay till induir,
I am in pain
To quyt againe
Quhilk is inteir,
With bruisit braine
I do remaine
Subdewit suir,
Unto you plaine.
Gif ye refraine
My thocht synceir,
Thocht verse be vaine,
Composit heir.
With suir guidwill
Ye most amend
This litill bill
Unto the end
That I pretend
In Joy and smart
Your grand commend
Thois lyns I send;
Quhair as I spill
In meitir pend
It salbe kend
With constant part
For to defend
With luifing hart.
My luifing hart dois weill aggrie
With you to bie
In weill and wo
The freindschip frie
But fleing fro
Quhom I luif so
As ye derect
Even as your fo
Quhair evir I go;
It conforts me
Betwix us two.
Thair is no mo
With firm effect.
Gif I say no,
Than me reject.
Lyk as the recent rubie rois
Is maist formois
So but compair
Ye ar my chois
Thus I declair,
Sall on you spair
As ye devyis
To eise your cair
Of flouris fair,
Quhill lyf I lois
For vertew rair.
And mair and mair
Quhat in me lyis.
Both lait and air
My will applyis.
As Adamant dois yrne alluir,
So in your cuir
Without disdaine,
Ay till induir,
I am in pain
To quyt againe
Quhilk is inteir,
With bruisit braine
I do remaine
Subdewit suir,
Unto you plaine.
Gif ye refraine
My thocht synceir,
Thocht verse be vaine,
Composit heir.
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