Home So Sweet
I have a friend, a precious friend,
Who will forsake me never,
But be a shelter and defence
To his dear child forever
I have a peace, oh, such a peace,
It floweth like a river,
Profound, and deep, and pure, and sweet,
And Jesus is the giver.
I have a hope, a glorious hope,
By my Redeemer given,
Of meeting all my friends again
Around God's throne in heaven
I have a home, a blessed home,
Prepared by Christ the Saviour,
Where I may dwell in quiet peace,
Beneath his loving favor.
O home so sweet,
O friend so dear,
O peace so sweet,
O hope so clear;
Christ Jesus gives them all to me,
To him eternal praises be.
Who will forsake me never,
But be a shelter and defence
To his dear child forever
I have a peace, oh, such a peace,
It floweth like a river,
Profound, and deep, and pure, and sweet,
And Jesus is the giver.
I have a hope, a glorious hope,
By my Redeemer given,
Of meeting all my friends again
Around God's throne in heaven
I have a home, a blessed home,
Prepared by Christ the Saviour,
Where I may dwell in quiet peace,
Beneath his loving favor.
O home so sweet,
O friend so dear,
O peace so sweet,
O hope so clear;
Christ Jesus gives them all to me,
To him eternal praises be.
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