Home when the maid return'd, with artful tale
Home when the maid return'd, with artful tale
They praise young Nornsuck, hero of the vale;
His pow'r, his wealth, they set in dazzling light,
His vast possessions for th' approaching night;
How bright his form (for true the youth was fair)
In graceful ringlets flow'd his jetty hair;
His person pleasing, and quick piercing eye,
That might for keenness with the Eagle's vie;
His ardent passion crown'd the irksome tale:
But vain each art that dar'd her truth assail;
With silent scorn th' amazing change she hears,
That they forget her vow and frequent tears;
The frequent tears which to her love she pay'd,
And in soft sadness all her soul display'd;
At last, long urg'd, she painful silence broke,
And thus her firm resolves in anguish spoke: —
They praise young Nornsuck, hero of the vale;
His pow'r, his wealth, they set in dazzling light,
His vast possessions for th' approaching night;
How bright his form (for true the youth was fair)
In graceful ringlets flow'd his jetty hair;
His person pleasing, and quick piercing eye,
That might for keenness with the Eagle's vie;
His ardent passion crown'd the irksome tale:
But vain each art that dar'd her truth assail;
With silent scorn th' amazing change she hears,
That they forget her vow and frequent tears;
The frequent tears which to her love she pay'd,
And in soft sadness all her soul display'd;
At last, long urg'd, she painful silence broke,
And thus her firm resolves in anguish spoke: —
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