How Faith Comes

Faith in the Lord how can I find?
I hear you say. Alas so blind!
Dost thou not see the works He's made,
And all the glory there displayed;
The glory of the morning hour,
And that which decks the lowly flower?
Dost thou not of the Savior read,
His wondrous words, His every deed,
An act of pure and holy love,
To lift the earth-bound soul above.
And see'st thou not the heavenly light,
That's risen on the ancient night;
Which banishes from death its gloom,
And shows the world beyond the tomb?
Faith comes from sight, when clear and true,
It comes, says Paul, from hearing too,
It comes from doing too the Word,
Obeying what we've seen and heard;
From humble toil, self-sacrifice,
When man his lower self denies;
And follows Him, who died to save,
And his own life for others gave.
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