HYMN 101. Christ the Believer's Example in Baptism

How full of truth and grace
Are all the Saviour's ways!
What he commanded men to do,
Himself he did perform;
With zeal his heart was warm
While the cold river he pass'd through.

" It well becometh us
" To be baptized thus,
" And to fulfil all righteousness;"
These words the Saviour said,
And in their native bed
The waters did their Lord embrace.

This was a transient grave;
But when he dy'd to save,
He was baptiz'd in wrath divine:
Fire, guilt, and grief, and blood,
Compos'd the awful flood
Which overwhelm'd the Saviour then!

None but himself could bear
What Jesus suffer'd there,
His soul thro' death's dark waves sunk down
But he from thence arose,
And triumph'd o'er his foes,
And wears in heav'n the conqu'ror's crown

But no such work for you,
Ye saints, remains to do,
The emblem only you can bear;
Yet, since by this you may
Your love to Christ display,
Honour the sacred name ye wear.
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