HYMN 93. Praise to the Redeemer

W REATH'S Tune .

Come, ye that fear and love the Lord,
And magnify his glorious name;
His name is through all heav'n ador'd,
Let sains, on earth adore the same.
Cho. To him that lives, but once was slain ,
Be honour, pow'r, and praise. Amen.

His honours shine within no bounds,
Though they are brightest seen above;
The universe his praise resounds,
And heav'n and earth proclaim his love.

Of all the works his hands have made
Well may our souls adore him most;
On him our sins and guilt were laid,
In G OD THE S AVIOUR we will boast,

Nor will our boasting e'er be vain
While he's the object of our trust;
For all, for whom the Lamb was slain,
Shall rise and praise him from the dust.

Proclaim his praise with mortal breath
While here you live on his rich grace;
But when we triumph over death
We'll crown him with immortal praise.

Well, he hath said — there stands our hope,
The glorious trumpet soon will sound;
Then we shall leave the dusky globe,
And praise him on celestial ground.
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