A Hymn to Jesus

Jesu, Lord, that madist me.
And with Thy blessed blood hast bought,
Forgive that I have greved Thee
With word, with wil, and eek with thought.

Jesu, in whom in al my trust,
That died upon the roode tree,
Withdrawe myn herte from fleshy lust,
And from al worldly vanyte!

Jesu, for Thy woundis smerte
On feet and on Thyn handis two.
Make me meeke and low of herte,
And Thee to love as I should do.

Jesu, for Thy bitter wound
That wente to Thine herte roote,
For synne that hath myn herte bounde,
Thy blessid blood mote be my boote.

And Jesu Christ, to Thee I calle.
That art God, full of might;
Keep me cleane, that I ne falle
In deadly sinne neither by day ne night.

Jesu, grante me mine asking,
Perfect pacience in my disease;
And never mote I do that thing
That should Thee in ony wise displease.

Jesu, that art our heavenly kinge,
Soothfast God, and man also,
Give me grace of good endinge,
And them that I am holden unto.

Jesu, for the deadly tearis
That Thou sheddest for my gilt,
Heare and speede my prayers.
And spare me that I be not spilt.

Jesu, for them I Thee beseche
That wrathen Thee in ony wise,
Withhold from them Thine hand of wreche
And let them live in Thy service.

Jesu, moost coumfort for to see
Of Thy saintis evereachone,
Coumfort them that careful been,
And help them that ben woo-begone.

Jesu, keep them that been goode.
Amend them that han grieved Thee,
And send them fruytis of earthly foode
As each man needeth in his degree.

Jesu, that art withouten lees,
Almighty God in Trynyte.
Ceasse these werris and send us pees
With lasting love and charitee.

Jesu, that art the ghostly stone
Of al Holy Church in middle erthe,
Bring Thy foldis and flockis in oon,
And rule them rightly with oon herde.

Jesu, for Thy blessidful blood
Bringe, if Thou wilt, the soulis to bliss
Fro whom I have had ony good,
And spare them that have done amiss. Amen.
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