Hymn: Sung at the Dedication of Plummer Hall, Salem, Oct. 6, 1857

This building, graced with Plummer's name,
We dedicate to day;
Long may its influence and fame
Our service here repay.

To Science, and to Learning's aid
We dedicate its halls;
From out their calm, and peaceful shade
The voice of Wisdom calls.

" Come! learn what ancient sages taught,
Come! list the poet's strain;
Scorn pleasure's lure, and raise your thought
Above the lust of gain."

" Here learn the history of your race,
The mind's wide fields explore;
And in the works of Nature trace
A Mind to love, adore."

" For every star that gems the night,
The world's majestic plan,
And things too small for human sight,
A study are for man."

" From morn till eve, from youth till age,
Delight in study find;
And gain from books, and Nature's page,
Food for the immortal mind;"

" Which gropes, like base and purblind things
Along its darksome way;
Or soars on high, with sun-bright wings,
To realms of lasting day."
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