I Dreamed my Love
I dreamed my loue lay in her bedd:
itt was my Chance to take her:
her leggs & armes abroad were spredd;
shee slept; I durst not awake her.
O pitty itt were, tha t one soe faire
shold Crowne her loue w i th willowe;
the tresses of her golden haire
did kisse he[r] louely pillowe
Methought her belly was a hill
much like a mount of pleasure,
vnder whose height there growes a well;
the depth no man Can measure.
about the ple[s]ant mountaines topp
there growes a louely thickett,
wherin 2 beagles trambled,
& raised a liuely prickett.
They hunted there w i th pleasant noyce
about the pleasant mountaine,
till hee by heat was fforct to ffly,
& skipp into the ffountaine.
they beagles ffollowed to the brinke,
& there att him they barked;
he plunged about, but wold not shrinke;
his Coming fforth they wayted
Then fforth he Came as one halfe lame,
weere weary, ffaint, & tyred;
& layd him downe betwixt her leggs,
as helpe he had required
the beagles being reffresht againe,
my Loue ffrom sleepe bereued;
shee dreamed shee had me in her armes,
& shee was not deceiued.
itt was my Chance to take her:
her leggs & armes abroad were spredd;
shee slept; I durst not awake her.
O pitty itt were, tha t one soe faire
shold Crowne her loue w i th willowe;
the tresses of her golden haire
did kisse he[r] louely pillowe
Methought her belly was a hill
much like a mount of pleasure,
vnder whose height there growes a well;
the depth no man Can measure.
about the ple[s]ant mountaines topp
there growes a louely thickett,
wherin 2 beagles trambled,
& raised a liuely prickett.
They hunted there w i th pleasant noyce
about the pleasant mountaine,
till hee by heat was fforct to ffly,
& skipp into the ffountaine.
they beagles ffollowed to the brinke,
& there att him they barked;
he plunged about, but wold not shrinke;
his Coming fforth they wayted
Then fforth he Came as one halfe lame,
weere weary, ffaint, & tyred;
& layd him downe betwixt her leggs,
as helpe he had required
the beagles being reffresht againe,
my Loue ffrom sleepe bereued;
shee dreamed shee had me in her armes,
& shee was not deceiued.
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