Ill Penserosa, an Ode

The stars are all muffled in shrou'ds
The prospects have faded away
The gold and the azure of clouds
Have sunk with the regent of day
Ah why is my heart thus oppressd
Why starts the big drop in my eyes
What tumult thus throbs in my breast
And bursts from my bosom in sighs
No name to my feelings I give
That some thing I can not express
That softness which only can live
In serenity Silent recess —
What spirits of air now preside
And mourn thro the stillness of night
Some maiden whose lover had died
From her cloud all her sorrows recite
Some widow the prop of whose age
Dire disease had resign'd to the grave
And left her alone to engage
With adversities bitterest wave. —
Some mother whose daughter like mine
Had gone to a far distant shore
In search of some medcine divine
Her health and her life to restore
But hygiea refusing her aid
She droop'd like the rose in the rain
And the parent no more the sweet maid
E'er pressd to her bosom again
Some genius whom penury left
To buffet the scorn of the world
Of riches and grandeur bereft
Soon his worth to oblivion was hurl'd. —
Ah listen and hear the sad tale
That the voices of nature proclaim
To the sweetly impregnated gale
And the tree frogs reecho the Same.
Kind sympathy touches my heart
And tenderness strings the sweet lyre
I bear of their woes a large part
And Could sit on the ground and expire.
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