
The winter moon is beaming
From her clouded throne on high,
The stars are dimly gleaming
From the borders of the sky,
While wand'ring on the lonely beach,
I list the ocean's roar,
And mark the crested billows reach
The far extended shore;
Or watch the dim discover'd sail
Beyond the breaker's foam,
The laden ship with prosp'rous gale,
Advancing to her home:—
Joyful as she the land espies,
And speeds along the sea,
So joyfully my spirit flies,
To seek its rest with thee.

I mingle in the giddy dance,
Where love proclaims its pow'r,
And gaze on beauty's witching glance,
In that attractive hour;
Soft voices warble in my ear,
While lovely forms are nigh;
And sunny smiles that well might cheer
And win the coldest eye;
Yet, when I mingle with the bright,
The gay, and beauteous throng,
Thy form is ever in my sight,
Thy name upon my tongue:—
My listless eyes undazzled rove,
My heart is fancy free;
It only feels the throb of love,
Whene'er it beats for thee.

They say that I am heartless,
And know not how to feel;
Because I would be artless,
Yet deepest love conceal:
I cannot talk of flames and darts,—
Make love a transient theme,—
Nor trifle with deserving hearts,
That claim my high esteem.
Their noble worth each passing day
In brighter lustre shows,
And gladly would this heart repay
The gratitude it owes;—
But though mine eye returns a smile,
When others smile to me,
My bosom fondly burns the while,
With constant love to thee.

Thy cherish'd image charms me now,
As when at first we met;
And that warm smile upon thy brow.
I never shall forget:—
It mirrors forth thy gentle mind,
Thy feelings pure and high,
Within the loveliest form enshrimed,
That blesses human eye:—
That form, so bright and beautiful,
Seems given from above;
ThaTheart, so warm and dutiful,
Inspires my fervent love;
And nightly, as I humbly bend
To Heav'n the willing knee,
I pray that blessings may descend
On thine, my love, and thee.

Then bid me not depart and weep,
In solitude and gloom,
O'er cherish'd hopes and feelings deep,
All blighted in their bloom:
Oh! leave me not in loneliness,
Thy coldness to deplore;
Mourning the wreck of happiness.
Thou only could'st restore;
But fix my fond selection,
And make me wholly thine;
And bless my warm affection,
With love as deep as mine;—
So gently shall the current flow,
Of life's uncertain sea;
And constantly, in weal or wo,
My heart shall be with thee!
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