It's Break of Dawn, O Flower In The Garden

It's break of dawn, O flower in the garden,
Listen to the bulbul's impassioned song !
Wake up and open your wild eyes !
Listen to the bulbul's impassioned song !

The blackbird sings with full abandon,
The wild mynah chants your song of love,
O my beloved with sleepy eyes !

Many a cup has the yemberzal failled:
Be my guest, O bumble bee,
I'll lodge you in my eyes !

Though fully equipped for a splendid bloom,
Buds always value the gold of silence;
For words betray, and fragrance floats away !

Mark the poignance deep in the tunes
That song birds play on their instruments -
Tunes that have filled lovers with ecstasy.

O morning breeze, you alone know
The hidden soul of flowers !
How could you make them unfold their bloom ?

The goal is reached through sacrifice
And purity, like the ankle clings
With disinterest to the dancer's feet

Mahjoor, to know what a flower is,
Wait patiently, and hear him speak -
He has come with a message and a symbol.

[Translated by: Triloki Nath Raina]

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